The Pros and Cons of LASIK Eye Surgery to Help You Decide

LASIK is a surgery that uses lasers to correct different imperfections on the cornea, which causes unclear vision such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. The aim is to reshape the cornea so light is refracted onto your retina correctly, allowing the brain to process clearer images rather than ambiguous information.

Since it’s a surgery, you need to know some risks to the LASIK procedure. Its effects range from three to six months of slight dry eyes to loss of clearer vision. You may also dislodge your corneal flap during the process, which can complicate the result. It affects your LASIK result if you have underlying health conditions, so you may not get the correction you desire.

These are complications, and many people worldwide have benefitted from the surgery. LASIK procedure might be a good choice if you want the convenience of normal vision without corrective glasses or contact lenses.

Refractive errors are common eye conditions. Eyeglasses and contacts are standard solutions for clearer vision; however, what are your best options if you’d instead go without wearing lenses?

Laser surgery such as LASIK is an excellent way to correct vision problems without eyeglasses, but what are the typical pros and cons of the procedure? 

What is LASIK surgery?

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses) is the most commonly utilized vision correction option to correct refractive errors. It can solve vision problems such as: 

  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism 

The LASIK surgery works to reshape the patient’s cornea, and it starts by creating a flap to access the stroma. After, the surgeon uses a laser to reshape the stroma through a light beam. 

This process removes the microscopic tissue and allows the cornea to focus more accurately on lights. The flap gets restored in place without stitching to stick to the stroma. 

The LASIK procedure has been correcting vision for more than 20 years, and the majority of people have adequate vision after surgery completion. There are apparent benefits to LASIK surgery, but what are the potential drawbacks? Visit,completely%20separated%20from%20the%20cornea. to read more about LASIK eye surgery.

What are the pros and cons of the LASIK procedure?

LASIK surgery is safe and offers a brief recovery period, but certain risks are associated with the surgery. These drawbacks may include potential complications. It is essential to know the possible pros and cons of this surgery. 


It is safe and effective 

LASIK surgery has been in existence for more than 20 years with a higher success rate, and many surgeons recommend it as a credible and effective solution for vision correction. Millions of people have utilized LASIK surgery to treat their vision issues, and more than 80% achieved perfect vision after the surgery. There are certain risks with surgery, but you can be sure you will find long-term solutions for your refractive errors. 

Quick recovery time

One of LASIK’s most incredible benefits is that it heals your vision in the shortest period possible. You might improve your vision instantly, and the recovery period can be as short as 24. The surgeon can correct both eyes on the same day. However, you can operate them at different times. You need a ride home planned after LASIK surgery despite the quick recovery time. 

No more eyeglasses or contact lenses

What’s the point of getting the LASIK procedure? To have contact lens-free vision! There are many eyeglasses and contact lenses to choose from; however, surgery is an effective option if you are tired of these methods. You can continue your life without the worries about eyeglasses and contacts. 

There are several benefits to LASIK surgery, and many patients receive it for these reasons. There are certain complications associated with LASIK surgery despite these benefits,


Potential side effects

LASIK surgery has minor side effects, but many are temporary and only a potential annoyance. Some common side effects include: 

  • Dry eye
  • Glare & halos 

You may experience dry eyes after the LASIK procedure. The procedure may cause a temporary reduction of tear production, and you may feel dry as your eyes heal. That experience can last for six months. So, your doctor may recommend that you use eye drops. 

You may also experience halos and glare after surgery, especially if you drive at night. These halos may appear around light sources and can affect your vision. This effect lasts a few days or weeks, depending on your eyes’ condition. 

Potential complications

There are some potential complications with eye surgeries, and LASIK is no different. But they are scarce. Some of the potential issues with the LASIK procedure include: 

  • Under-corrections
  • Over-corrections
  • Astigmatism 
  • Flap problems

Under-corrections and over-corrections can happen when too little or too much tissue is removed. If too little tissue is removed, your vision may not be as clear as intended, and it may require that you undergo further procedures to have the desired results. An over-correction may occur when too much tissue is removed from your cornea, and that may be more challenging to correct. 

Astigmatism can also be a result of excess tissue removal. Like under-corrections, you may have to undergo additional LASIK procedures to repair. Eyeglasses and contact lenses are good options if you don’t want further surgery. 

A flap problem occurs when an issue arises with the cornea. When the surgeon creates a flap in surgery to access your stroma, the affected area can have excess tears. More so, the corneal tissue layer can grow underneath the flap. 

These potential complications are rare, but it’s essential to know them before going into the LASIK surgery center. Knowing LASIK’s pros and cons is helpful, but it is another task to tell whether it is right for you? 

Who is a qualified candidate for the LASIK procedure?

Several factors are considered to determine if you’re suitable for LASIK, and your optometrist will discuss these with you during a consultation. These factors include: 

  • The thickness of your cornea 
  • Your current prescription
  • If your vision is significantly changing 
  • Your medical history 


The decision to undergo LASIK surgery is yours. If you are qualified for the procedure, you can go ahead and have it. However, your optometrist may guide you to make an informed decision. If you are unsure if LASIK eye surgery is the right option for you, you can discuss it with your eye doctor.  Click here to read about The Most Important Things to do Before LASIK Surgery.